knotted tshirt headband

last week, i cut off my hair. it was the first hair appointment since i don't know when. it was very needed & it has definitely brightened up my face. maybe because it literally takes ten minutes from wet to cute or the fact that i don't have the urge to messy bun it every single day. pretty sure this new blonde wavy bob style is my calling.

and while i was cutting off my hair, i was also cleaning & purging my closet. hubs and i managed to throw out (donate) two bags of clothes & pair of boots that we no longer loved. i have yet to rifle through my shoe pile. i will. eventually. probably after vegas. pretty sure my brain is already there, even though we have a week until we leave. 

i decided some of the tshirts that we parted ways would make perfect headbands on those days that i am hair product free or to finish off an outfit.  even with short hair, you can never have enough hair accessories. 

cotton tshirt - size large or bigger - can be solid or pattern
hot glue gun

to begin, lay your tshirt flat and cut across the bottom just above the hem. next cut two strips off the bottom - i made mine about an inch & half wide, but they don't have to be perfect.

leaving the two strips complete, pull them at the ends & the sides will begin to curl up. don't pull too hard so the fabric doesn't rip. this will leave you with two tubelike strips.

^^^ create a loop by crossing the right side of the left. leave the loop on the top.  

^^^ with the second strip lay on top of first piece in "u" shape.

^^^ place the right side of the "u" strip underneath the right side of the loop strip.

^^^ with the left side of the "u" strip, run underneath the top of the loop.

^^^ with the right side of the "u" strip - the long piece off the right side, run over the top of the loop, underneath the piece inside the loop & over the top loop. that make sense? i hope - this is what you will end up with.

^^^ now gently pull the ends and the knot will start coming in on itself. you'll want to play and adjust as you go, until you end up with this.  

now cut a square piece from your remainder of tshirt - about 3 inches by 3 inches.

^^^ bring the ends of your handbead together and hot glue to middle of square piece. now bring up each end of square and hot glue down create a seal over your ends. 

and you're done.  

total cost for project: free! 

i really want to create one that's patterned or multicolored - guess that's on my list.  if you make one, tag me on instagram @paperplatesandmimosas so i can see yours!


  1. Cute! I have a couple of old t-shirts I can do this with!

  2. This is so adorable!! I will have to give this a try!

    Rebecca ||

  3. Great idea us up old Tahitian. I also pinned.

  4. This is so cute for summer! I love wearing headbands at the beach but never thought about making my own.


  5. So cute! You had me at no sew. I will most definitely be trying this during the summer. :) Thank you!

  6. How cute is it for casual wear..thanks for sharing!

    Fashion and tRavel

  7. Excellent technique :) In the summer, in hot weather, very fit :)

  8. What a cute idea! Now I know what to do with t-shirts that are too big but that I don't want to get rid of because of their cute pattern.

  9. So adorable and what a great way to recycle those old shirts. Btw. your new haircut looks super cute.

  10. Super cute! I've made simpler ones using t-shirts but never attempted any kind of knot. It looks amazing though! Great job :)

  11. This is a great project to use those old torn t-shirts!
