where i've been sorta + a southern staple

it's a funny thing, this blogging business.. whenever i don't blog for awhile, i get all the feels and miss blogging tremendously. and i tell myself to get back to it, make a schedule and start posting regularly. then life happens, i get sidetracked and my blog goes untouched for months. and i see/read all these blogs that have some kind of direction & well mine tends to be a place for my scattered thoughts, favorite things & life happenings...that's probably more of what i am at a standstill. it's what to write that people want to actually read & keep coming back for.

it's a lull.

maybe this blog will just continue to be a place for random scribbling a if a stay at home housewife who has way to many tabs open... i like it like this. but i know it needs to happen more.

but for now i am sharing a quick & easy recipe for a southern staple. sweet tea. or true sweet tea. & no (!!!!) unsweetened tea with sugar added is no way sweet tea. don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

(my life staple) sweet tea:

1 gallon container/pitcher
2 Lipton pitcher tea bags (NOT the cold brew kind)
1 1/2 cups sugar

In a small saucepan, bring 3 cups of water to boil, with the tea bags.

While waiting for tea water to boil, place sugar in gallon container.

Once tea water in boiling/brewed, remove from heat and pour into gallon container. Depress tea bags, removing any extra tea & discard bags in trash.

Stir brewed tea and sugar together until sugar is melted. Fill container full with cold water. Give a good stir & chill in fridge.


I plan in being back more in this space. I just need to schedule myself better, blog wise. And get some worthy material.

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