
december 31 snuck up on me. hardcore. like i was preparing myself for the end of year, but somehow, well i say somehow, but it snuck up on me, yet again. it always done. i think its because i find myself in a christmas hangover for quite a few days after all the festivities have basically ended. does anyone else experience that christmas (holiday) hangover feeling?  it can be pretty gnarly. like i can easily stay inside like a social recluse & not feel the least bit bad about it. and then bam!, new year!

the resolution has such a nasty reputation.  pretty sure the definition can be clearly put as: "make them & break them" because more than likely that's how it happens. at least in my realm of the world it does. i am more of a goals type of girls. things i want to strive towards. aim for. achieve. there will be setbacks. there will be bumps in the road. no road to success & achievement is ever smooth and straight, so don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise.  so goals, that's what i set. & then i have months were a set specific goals to help me obtain that final goal.  seems more realistic to me that way.

and always write them somewhere - so, this year, for me, my blog is my writing spot for those such goals.

  • no dining out 
  • learn to sew a real project on my machine
  • grow this blog of mine & monetize
  • refinish all the furniture in my house that's on the current to do list
  • get the remaining rooms painted
  • grow my social media accounts
  • get benjamin, our loving, but stubborn child potty trained (or try atleast)
  • bulk up our emergency fund
  • take a girls trip back to waco
  • service projects
  • work towards protecting my joy
what kind of goals are you striving towards in 2017? link back here; i'd to read along.

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